We officially had our power restored late yesterday afternoon... about an hour or so after I blogged. Of course. Not that I'm looking any gift horse in the mouth, oh no, I'm not doing that. Oh.My.Goodness was it good to have some comforts back! The first thing I did was take a long HOT shower and then blow-dried my hair straight. Sure, it took an hour but I did it IN my bathroom (instead of the living room) and no one had to HOLD up a tiny tiny mirror for me. Yes! (I'm easy to please.)

In other news, my Dad sent me pictures of the yacht club and their boat. Ike had a mighty punch. I thought I'd share just how lucky they got.

Yacht Club Parking Lot

Cabanas, where the guys spend their Boys Weekend ever summer

This used to be part of a floating dock slip, which runs the length of the boat. Apparently the boat came with it. Still tied.

Other boats nearby

And finally, Dad's boat... which except for a few scratches from a board with a nail in it and the loss of a drain hole cover, came out perfectly. See what I mean about the OCD tying of ropes? I'm SO not going to tease him about that now.

So. Lucky.

Tomorrow, I'll try to get in here and blog about BabySis' travels. There were some mighty disappointments but I do have some pictures as well. Stay tuned.

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1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Glad your Dad's boat is ok. It looks like he was very lucky and very smart with the ropes. My sis used to live in Baycliff and I'm doubly glad she's no longer there and up here near me now. Can't wait to hear the update on the Prague trip!