Up late; figured now was as good a time as any to go ahead and post Friday's Feast. :)

When was the last time you visited a hospital?

The last time was a little more than two years ago when I managed to dislocate my ankle, pulling ALL of the tendons and ligaments (including my Achilles), just to the point of tearing, in the process. Lovely injury. Thank dog, no surgery! (course the first thing the ortho said was "Would have been better if you'd just broken it.") I got to wear a very fashionable fracture boot for about 2 months and had physical therapy for close to 6 months.

Here's the best part. How did I manage to damage myself so amazingly well? I was at the gym and stepped funny off a platform raised all of 3 inches from the floor. Oh YES, you read that correctly. It was a women's gym and I don't think they'd ever heard words quite like the ones that spewed forth from my mouth when it happened. I now have a card-carrying phobia of stepping off of Anything - curbs, steps, slightly raised areas on the ground. I can't remember the last time I walked from point A to point B without looking down at least half the time to make sure I'm safe.

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being highest, how ambitious are you?

I'd have to put myself in the 8-9 range. While I would never stoop so low as to throw other people under the bus in order to get where I want to be... I know what I want and I work my ass off to get there. On occasion, those little niggling voices in my head tell me "Oh my dog, did you really think this was going to work?" and then I dip to about a 4 for a bit, but I always rally in the end.

Make a sentence using the letters of a body part. (Example: (mouth) My other ukelele tings healthily.)

This question certainly took a bit of thinking outside the box! I love it.

Be unleashed; tempt the outwardly cynical, keen spectator.

Main Course
If you were to start a club, what would the subject matter be, and what would you name it?
Well, I'm not sure what I'd name it... something unconventionally witty, I'm sure, but I would start a writer's group. I live in the middle of the sticks. The nearest writer's group... well, most are much older than I am and the group itself has been established for more than a decade - with the same members. And it's more than 30 minutes away. The next closest is 45 minutes. They all meet in the evenings - meaning, I'd be driving unlit backroads home late at night after every meeting. I don't think so. I NEED a writer's group - one that's local... but, honestly, I don't want to run the show. a) I don't think I have any qualifications to RUN something like that (I'm not even published for dog's sake) and b) I just don't have the time to be a leader in such an undertaking. That being said, I wish wish wish for a writer's group near me (or that at least one or two writers in my area would come out of the closet already! I know y'all are out there!).

What color is the carpet/flooring in your home?
Talk about changing the subject. Ahhhh, I have wood floors in my living room and hallway, Cream colored Berber in the spawnlings' rooms, White/Cream linoleum (blech!) in my kitchen and utility room, and then a smoky blue/gray carpet in my office and bedroom. I hate all of it except for the wood floor.

The flooring we've planned for the new (on-hold) house: a very rustic tobacco brown and cream porcelain tile in a 20x20 and 6x6 pinwheel pattern for all of the main living areas, wood floors in all of the bedrooms and my office, toasted marshmallow colored tile for the spawnlings' bathrooms, and a beautiful blue tile with silvery gray, charcoal, and black highlights for the master bathroom.

Well, that feast went rather quickly. Enjoy your weekends!
8 Responses
  1. Great feast. Sorry to hear about your Appetizer though but love your salad and main course.
    My feast is up too.

  2. Unknown Says:

    Well, outside the box or not...love the salad.

    My Feast is served.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Dessert sounds scrumptious! The Appetizer was a big Ouch!

  4. Mama Duck Says:

    Yummy! Have a great weekend!

    My feast is up as well ;).

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Wow, great feast! Your appetizer/injury sounds very painful, ouch. Loved your salad/sentence, very very creative. I see why you're looking for a writer's group :) I wish I had your new/dessert floors!

    Have a wonderful day, mine is up too...

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Great feast! Mine is up too!

    Happy Friday!!!


  7. Melli Says:

    Ohhhhhh goodness! I am going to be watching my step at MY ladies gym from now on! Those little 3" high platforms are suddenly sounding dangerous!

    Your feast was MIGHTY enjoyable! ;)

  8. Margaret Says:

    Your Main course sounds scrumptions. I would certainly join! -Margiemix